Inspiration and Beauty

Did you want to find a source of inspiration and beauty? Here it goes! Here is a short film that will hopefully inspire you and give you an excellent mood!

P.S. Make sure to subscribe for more videos! :) I hope you like it! And thanks for watching!!! <3

New Day – New Way!


This is a short film that I have made! Hope you guys enjoy it! :)

Your look and how it changes

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Why do we look better at home? We always look in the mirror and think that the hair is perfect, face looks good and everything just looks so nice! You try some new and cute hairstyle and it looks amazing! But the vert next morning you try to look good, ok sometimes you can achieve a good look and you feel confident, your hair looks nice, but still not that good opposed to the last evening. And then when you are at work/school, looking in the mirror and you see a totally different person! What happened to the nice hair and good-looking clothes?

So why do we look better at home? The truth is, we feel more relaxed and comfortable at home. You don’t need to try to look good for someone, and you wear the most comfortable clothes ever. Basically, you just look and feel like your own self. You are at the most comfortable and sweet place on the whole planet: you are at home.

The rush

When you are at home and trying new hairstyle, you are relaxed and you know that you have time! But when getting ready in the morning, you know there is not much time and you just mess everything up! Then, you try to look pretty, but that’s not quite what you wanted, as there is no time, and you feel under pressure.

Mirrors and our looks

It is also said that different mirrors have different energy. At home, your mirror is filled with your own energy and your warm and comfy atmosphere, while at other places they have totally different feeling and environment. This is perhaps not entirely true, but in fact when you look at yourself, you do look different.

Others and your mood

But actually, we always look the same. For others, not for ourselves. Of course we might look more tired, or more energetic, but we are always the same. After all, our face cannot change that significantly. It also depends on your mood! If you are all happy and upbeat, your eyes going to be “shining”, and there will be smile on your face! And you feel better! But, when you are sad and frustrated with something, you feel unsatisfied with anything. And you think that you look terrible. While, this is not true. You look just normal, not very happy, but as usual.

You is you! And you are unique! Yes, sometimes we look a bit different, but not entirely! We just have to keep good mood and smile! And everything will look and feel better! Smile more often! :)




I love blue color. It reminds me of an ocean. Deep blue ocean. It is so deep, wide and strong. It thrills with its intensity of feelings and color. Its waves look like curves. Curves in our life. The small little things that makes us happy. Its fresh aroma gives me the feeling of freedom. Feeling of love to the wind. The wind and ocean scent that crawls through my hair. I close my eyes and imagine that I’m flying. I fly like a bird spreading its wide and strong wings. That is what I think of color blue.

I’m beautiful!


Have you ever thought that you do not belong where you at? Have you ever imagined yourself doing something else? Have you ever thought that you are special and you can do much more? Well, I must say that is true. Those thoughts that visit your head are not without a reason. We are all unique and special and each of us possess totally different traits and features. Sometimes we might feel that there is no inspiration in our hearts, but sometimes we feel that we can overcome any obstacles that might raise.

So, how to gain inspiration? Inspiration helps you to feel the way you are and to do what you love. You cannot just get it from the air. You can help it to come though. Try to feel happy of things from everyday. Everyday look in the mirror and tell yourself: “I’m beautiful”. And say it not just like you mean you are beautiful from the outside, because of your look, but from the inside as well. “I’m beautiful” means: “I am beautiful. I have a beautiful heart and I have a beautiful soul. I am kind and nice person and everything around is amazing. The nature outside makes me feel beautiful. The food I eat nourishes my body and I feel beautiful”. This is what your beautiful should mean. You will feel inspired.

Look outside. Do not look inside. Look outside of your house. You feel depressed and you don’t want to do anything? Just watch TV series and eat chocolate? Sometimes that is good, but this shouldn’t be your lifestyle. Go outside! Meet people! If you don’t feel like talking to others, then spend time with yourself. You have to love spending time with yourself, so others would feel that as well. You will feel that you belong in this place. You are somebody in this world. Yes, it is huge and scary, but there are so many good things outside! Look outside and explore! Think and look outside of the box!

Do you want to feel good about yourself, so other people would be interested in you? Alright, most of the time you just come up with some ridiculous reasons that nobody likes you and everyone thinks you are boring, but that is not true. You have to open your heart and people will see who you really are. Change something about yourself that will make you feel good. Change the look, the hairstyle, try new makeup or try different style of clothes. That might be a bit of a risk, but why not to have some drive in your life? You want a change? So start making it! You never know, maybe you will find out some amazing ways how to look and feel good about yourself! This might be the beginning of something big and inspiring!

Dreams and dreaming, but believing


Why do we even watch movies? Because that is our escape from reality. Real life is not that adventurous, it does not have any special effects or magic. It doesn’t have something amazing happening every day, sometimes it’s pretty boring and you wouldn’t’ve done anything extreme all the time. We need our peace and rest, but at the same time, we believe that our life can be more than that. It might not be as thrilling as it is in movies, it might be more dramatic or severe, but that’s the real world. That is what actually happening. The world we live in, is full of fascinating things that we do not notice. It is full of magic and miracles, but we have to believe that such things exist. Some might not believe in world beyond “reality”. We all dream, and “all our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them“, – Walt Disney. But nothing is easy, “a dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work“, – Colin Powell.

Your boyfriend is a superhero? 5 reasons to break up with him


1. He’s always late for dates, walks God knows where at evenings. He misses significant events because of the heroic missions.

2. He doesn’t help you at home, saying that he can’t waste his superpower for some household trifles.

3. He looks after himself more than you, explaining that he has to be perfect when paparazzi catch him.

4. He is always anxious and has persecution mania as there are enemies and spies around, and the fate of the entire universe depends on him.

5. He wears funny and provocative superhero costume that YOU have to wash and mend, because he has to recover his superpower after the mission.