I’m beautiful!


Have you ever thought that you do not belong where you at? Have you ever imagined yourself doing something else? Have you ever thought that you are special and you can do much more? Well, I must say that is true. Those thoughts that visit your head are not without a reason. We are all unique and special and each of us possess totally different traits and features. Sometimes we might feel that there is no inspiration in our hearts, but sometimes we feel that we can overcome any obstacles that might raise.

So, how to gain inspiration? Inspiration helps you to feel the way you are and to do what you love. You cannot just get it from the air. You can help it to come though. Try to feel happy of things from everyday. Everyday look in the mirror and tell yourself: “I’m beautiful”. And say it not just like you mean you are beautiful from the outside, because of your look, but from the inside as well. “I’m beautiful” means: “I am beautiful. I have a beautiful heart and I have a beautiful soul. I am kind and nice person and everything around is amazing. The nature outside makes me feel beautiful. The food I eat nourishes my body and I feel beautiful”. This is what your beautiful should mean. You will feel inspired.

Look outside. Do not look inside. Look outside of your house. You feel depressed and you don’t want to do anything? Just watch TV series and eat chocolate? Sometimes that is good, but this shouldn’t be your lifestyle. Go outside! Meet people! If you don’t feel like talking to others, then spend time with yourself. You have to love spending time with yourself, so others would feel that as well. You will feel that you belong in this place. You are somebody in this world. Yes, it is huge and scary, but there are so many good things outside! Look outside and explore! Think and look outside of the box!

Do you want to feel good about yourself, so other people would be interested in you? Alright, most of the time you just come up with some ridiculous reasons that nobody likes you and everyone thinks you are boring, but that is not true. You have to open your heart and people will see who you really are. Change something about yourself that will make you feel good. Change the look, the hairstyle, try new makeup or try different style of clothes. That might be a bit of a risk, but why not to have some drive in your life? You want a change? So start making it! You never know, maybe you will find out some amazing ways how to look and feel good about yourself! This might be the beginning of something big and inspiring!

Thank you Film-TV 1!

I really enjoyed the course because I have gained an exceptional experience. The film that we shoot was an amazing boost and training for working in film industry. We have not only learned how to work within our roles, but also how to co-operate and work as a group.

I have learned how to work with the camera, lighting, editing, planning and organising. I feel that I have developed my own filming technique as well. These skills are essential and I feel more comfortable in what I am doing at the end of this course. While doing Film-TV 1 course I have done two films outside of the university and I have used the knowledge I have gained from the course into my work outside of the university.

The lectures and reflections upon them have given me a real understanding and engaging with the course. Blogging, watching different films in lectures and having guest lecturers was very exciting. I think blogging is a very effective tool to encourage students to contribute as much as they can. I felt really inspired that I have a freedom to do my own discoveries and projects. Lectures were interesting as never. Honestly, I have never attended such interactive and engaging lectures. This course was so dynamic and in action. We have learned so many things!

In Week 1 reflection I have written that I want to find new ways and techniques of how to produce the story. I have definitely found that. As I mentioned before, I have found my own style and I have understood what methods work the best for me in producing the film. I have learned the theory and rules that we have to follow while on the shoot. I have definitely improved my editing, sound design and equipment work. I always had a bit of fear in front of working with equipment, but this course gave me confidence.

Another important thing that I have learned is time. I learned how to manage time and how to work better within the set deadline. I have never thought before that the film will take that much time to produce. But now I understand how hard and how responsible it is. My main roles in the film group were storyboarding and director of photography. Of course we all were working with each other and helping in different roles. I have learned how to direct, organise, work with sound and camera as well.

Thank you Film-TV 1 for giving me such inspiration, skills and confidence!